

Mozilla Firefox ESR 60.5.0

Silent Install

Firefox Setup 60.5.0esr.exe /INI="setup.ini"


; Remove the semicolon (;) to un-comment a line.
; The name of the directory where the application will be installed in the
; system's program files directory. The security
; context the installer is running in must have write access to the
; installation directory. Also, the directory must not exist or if it exists
; it must be a directory and not a file. If any of these conditions are not met
; the installer will abort the installation with an error level of 2. If this
; value is specified then InstallDirectoryPath will be ignored.
; InstallDirectoryName=Mozilla Firefox

; The full path to the directory to install the application. The security
; context the installer is running in must have write access to the
; installation directory. Also, the directory must not exist or if it exists
; it must be a directory and not a file. If any of these conditions are not met
; the installer will abort the installation with an error level of 2.
; InstallDirectoryPath=c:firefox

; By default all of the following shortcuts are created. To prevent the
; creation of a shortcut specify false for the shortcut you don't want created.

; Create a shortcut for the application in the current user's QuickLaunch
; directory.

; Create a shortcut for the application on the taskbar.

; Create a shortcut for the application on the desktop. This will create the
; shortcut in the All Users Desktop directory and if that fails this will
; attempt to create the shortcuts in the current user's Start Menu directory.

; Create shortcuts for the application in the Start Menu. This will create the
; shortcuts in the All Users Start Menu directory and if that fails this will
; attempt to create the shortcuts in the current user's Start Menu directory.
; StartMenuShortcuts=false

; The directory name to use for the StartMenu folder (not available with
; Firefox 4.0 and above - see note below).
; note: if StartMenuShortcuts=false is specified then this will be ignored.
; StartMenuDirectoryName=Mozilla Firefox

; The MozillaMaintenance service is used for silent updates and may be used
; for other maintenance related tasks.  It is an optional component. 
; This option can be used in Firefox 16 or later to skip installing the service.

; Starts with Firefox 60, it's possible to mark all or some of the extensions
; bundled within a partner distribution as optional.
; Set this option to false to opt-out installtion of any optional extensions.
ReturnCodes 0

Silent Uninstall


"%ProgramW6432%Mozilla Firefoxuninstallhelper.exe" /S


"%ProgramFiles%Mozilla Firefoxuninstallhelper.exe" /S
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