



我们讨论过 阶乘的简单程序 .

如何使用C/C++程序计算100的阶乘? 100的阶乘有158位。即使我们使用long int,也不可能存储这么多数字。


Input : 100Output : 933262154439441526816992388562667004-         907159682643816214685929638952175999-         932299156089414639761565182862536979-         208272237582511852109168640000000000-         00000000000000Input :50Output : 3041409320171337804361260816606476884-         4377641568960512000000000000


下面是寻找阶乘的详细算法。 阶乘(n) 1) 创建最大大小的数组“res[]”,其中MAX是输出中的最大位数。 2) 将“res[]”中存储的值初始化为1,并将“res_size”(“res[]”的大小)初始化为1。 3) 对从x=2到n的所有数字执行以下操作。 ……a)用res[]乘以x,并更新res[]和res_size以存储乘法结果。

如何将数字“x”与存储在res[]中的数字相乘? 这个想法是使用简单的学校数学。我们用res[]的每一位数乘以x。这里需要注意的一点是,数字从最右边的数字乘以最左边的数字。如果我们在res[]中以相同的顺序存储数字,那么在没有额外空间的情况下更新res[]将变得很困难。这就是为什么res[]以相反的方式维护,即从右到左的数字被存储。

乘法(res[],x) 1) 将进位初始化为0。 2) 在i=0到res_size–1时执行以下操作 ….a) 求res[i]*x+进位的值。让这个值为prod。 ….b) 通过存储产品的最后一位来更新res[i]。 ….c) 通过在进位中存储剩余数字来更新进位。 3) 将进位的所有数字放入res[],并按进位的位数增加res_大小。

Example to show working of multiply(res[], x)A number 5189 is stored in res[] as following.res[] = {9, 8, 1, 5}x = 10Initialize carry = 0;i = 0, prod = res[0]*x + carry = 9*10 + 0 = 90.res[0] = 0, carry = 9i = 1, prod = res[1]*x + carry = 8*10 + 9 = 89res[1] = 9, carry = 8i = 2, prod = res[2]*x + carry = 1*10 + 8 = 18res[2] = 8, carry = 1i = 3, prod = res[3]*x + carry = 5*10 + 1 = 51res[3] = 1, carry = 5res[4] = carry = 5res[] = {0, 9, 8, 1, 5} 


注: 在下面的实现中,输出中的最大位数假定为500。要找到更大数(>254)的阶乘,请增加数组的大小或增加MAX的值。


// C++ program to compute factorial of big numbers
using namespace std;
// Maximum number of digits in output
#define MAX 500
int multiply( int x, int res[], int res_size);
// This function finds factorial of large numbers
// and prints them
void factorial( int n)
int res[MAX];
// Initialize result
res[0] = 1;
int res_size = 1;
// Apply simple factorial formula n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4...*n
for ( int x=2; x<=n; x++)
res_size = multiply(x, res, res_size);
cout << "Factorial of given number is " ;
for ( int i=res_size-1; i>=0; i--)
cout << res[i];
// This function multiplies x with the number
// represented by res[].
// res_size is size of res[] or number of digits in the
// number represented by res[]. This function uses simple
// school mathematics for multiplication.
// This function may value of res_size and returns the
// new value of res_size
int multiply( int x, int res[], int res_size)
int carry = 0; // Initialize carry
// One by one multiply n with individual digits of res[]
for ( int i=0; i<res_size; i++)
int prod = res[i] * x + carry;
// Store last digit of 'prod' in res[]
res[i] = prod % 10;
// Put rest in carry
carry  = prod/10;
// Put carry in res and increase result size
while (carry)
res[res_size] = carry%10;
carry = carry/10;
return res_size;
// Driver program
int main()
return 0;


// JAVA program to compute factorial
// of big numbers
class GFG {
// This function finds factorial of
// large numbers and prints them
static void factorial( int n)
int res[] = new int [ 500 ];
// Initialize result
res[ 0 ] = 1 ;
int res_size = 1 ;
// Apply simple factorial formula
// n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4...*n
for ( int x = 2 ; x <= n; x++)
res_size = multiply(x, res, res_size);
System.out.println( "Factorial of given number is " );
for ( int i = res_size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
// This function multiplies x with the number
// represented by res[]. res_size is size of res[] or
// number of digits in the number represented by res[].
// This function uses simple school mathematics for
// multiplication. This function may value of res_size
// and returns the new value of res_size
static int multiply( int x, int res[], int res_size)
int carry = 0 ; // Initialize carry
// One by one multiply n with individual
// digits of res[]
for ( int i = 0 ; i < res_size; i++)
int prod = res[i] * x + carry;
res[i] = prod % 10 ; // Store last digit of
// 'prod' in res[]
carry = prod/ 10 ; // Put rest in carry
// Put carry in res and increase result size
while (carry!= 0 )
res[res_size] = carry % 10 ;
carry = carry / 10 ;
return res_size;
// Driver program
public static void main(String args[])
factorial( 100 );
//This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari


# Python program to compute factorial
# of big numbers
import sys
# This function finds factorial of large
# numbers and prints them
def factorial( n) :
res = [ None ] * 500
# Initialize result
res[ 0 ] = 1
res_size = 1
# Apply simple factorial formula
# n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4...*n
x = 2
while x < = n :
res_size = multiply(x, res, res_size)
x = x + 1
print ( "Factorial of given number is" )
i = res_size - 1
while i > = 0 :
sys.stdout.write( str (res[i]))
i = i - 1
# This function multiplies x with the number
# represented by res[]. res_size is size of res[]
# or number of digits in the number represented
# by res[]. This function uses simple school
# mathematics for multiplication. This function
# may value of res_size and returns the new value
# of res_size
def multiply(x, res,res_size) :
carry = 0 # Initialize carry
# One by one multiply n with individual
# digits of res[]
i = 0
while i < res_size :
prod = res[i] * x + carry
res[i] = prod % 10 ; # Store last digit of
# 'prod' in res[]
# make sure floor division is used
carry = prod / / 10 ; # Put rest in carry
i = i + 1
# Put carry in res and increase result size
while (carry) :
res[res_size] = carry % 10
# make sure floor division is used
# to avoid floating value
carry = carry / / 10
res_size = res_size + 1
return res_size
# Driver program
factorial( 100 )
#This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


// C# program to compute
// factorial of big numbers
using System;
class GFG
// This function finds factorial
// of large numbers and prints them
static void factorial( int n)
int []res = new int [500];
// Initialize result
res[0] = 1;
int res_size = 1;
// Apply simple factorial formula
// n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4...*n
for ( int x = 2; x <= n; x++)
res_size = multiply(x, res,
Console.WriteLine( "Factorial of " +
"given number is " );
for ( int i = res_size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This function multiplies x
// with the number represented
// by res[]. res_size is size
// of res[] or number of digits
// in the number represented by
// res[]. This function uses
// simple school mathematics for
// multiplication. This function
// may value of res_size and
// returns the new value of res_size
static int multiply( int x, int []res,
int res_size)
int carry = 0; // Initialize carry
// One by one multiply n with
// individual digits of res[]
for ( int i = 0; i < res_size; i++)
int prod = res[i] * x + carry;
res[i] = prod % 10; // Store last digit of
// 'prod' in res[]
carry = prod / 10; // Put rest in carry
// Put carry in res and
// increase result size
while (carry != 0)
res[res_size] = carry % 10;
carry = carry / 10;
return res_size;
// Driver Code
static public void Main ()
// This code is contributed by ajit


// PHP program to compute factorial
// of big numbers
// Maximum number of digits in output
$MAX = 500;
// This function finds factorial of
// large numbers and prints them
function factorial( $n )
global $MAX ;
$res = array_fill (0, $MAX , 0);
// Initialize result
$res [0] = 1;
$res_size = 1;
// Apply simple factorial formula
// n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4...*n
for ( $x = 2; $x <= $n ; $x ++)
$res_size = multiply( $x , $res , $res_size );
echo "Factorial of given number is " ;
for ( $i = $res_size - 1; $i >= 0; $i --)
echo $res [ $i ];
// This function multiplies x with the number
// represented by res[].
// res_size is size of res[] or number of
// digits in the number represented by res[].
// This function uses simple school mathematics
// for multiplication. This function may value
// of res_size and returns the new value of res_size
function multiply( $x , & $res , $res_size )
$carry = 0; // Initialize carry
// One by one multiply n with individual
// digits of res[]
for ( $i = 0; $i < $res_size ; $i ++)
$prod = $res [ $i ] * $x + $carry ;
// Store last digit of 'prod' in res[]
$res [ $i ] = $prod % 10;
// Put rest in carry
$carry = (int)( $prod / 10);
// Put carry in res and increase
// result size
while ( $carry )
$res [ $res_size ] = $carry % 10;
$carry = (int)( $carry / 10);
$res_size ++;
return $res_size ;
// Driver Code
// This code is contributed by chandan_jnu


// Javascript program to compute factorial of big numbers
// This function finds factorial of large numbers
// and prints them
function factorial(n)
let res = new Array(500);
// Initialize result
res[0] = 1;
let res_size = 1;
// Apply simple factorial formula n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4...*n
for (let x=2; x<=n; x++)
res_size = multiply(x, res, res_size);
document.write( "Factorial of given number is " + "<br>" );
for (let i=res_size-1; i>=0; i--)
// This function multiplies x with the number
// represented by res[].
// res_size is size of res[] or number of digits in the
// number represented by res[]. This function uses simple
// school mathematics for multiplication.
// This function may value of res_size and returns the
// new value of res_size
function multiply(x, res, res_size)
let carry = 0; // Initialize carry
// One by one multiply n with individual digits of res[]
for (let i=0; i<res_size; i++)
let prod = res[i] * x + carry;
// Store last digit of 'prod' in res[]
res[i] = prod % 10;
// Put rest in carry
carry = Math.floor(prod/10);
// Put carry in res and increase result size
while (carry)
res[res_size] = carry%10;
carry = Math.floor(carry/10);
return res_size;
// Driver program
// This  code is contributed by Mayank Tyagi


Factorial of given number is 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000

上述方法可以通过多种方式进行优化。我们将很快讨论针对同一问题的优化解决方案。 本文由 哈希特·阿格拉瓦尔 。如果您发现任何不正确的地方,或者您想分享有关上述主题的更多信息,请发表评论




// Java program to find large
// factorials using BigInteger
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Example {
// Returns Factorial of N
static BigInteger factorial( int N)
// Initialize result
BigInteger f
= new BigInteger( "1" ); // Or BigInteger.ONE
// Multiply f with 2, 3, ...N
for ( int i = 2 ; i <= N; i++)
f = f.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
return f;
// Driver method
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
int N = 20 ;






#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define rep(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i <= b; i++)
using namespace std;
// Made a class node containing data and previous pointer as
// we are using tail pointer
class Node {
public :
int data;
Node* prev;
Node( int n)
data = n;
prev = NULL;
void Multiply(Node* tail, int n)
Node *temp = tail,
*prevNode = tail; // Temp variable for keeping tail
int carry = 0;
while (temp != NULL) {
int data = temp->data * n + carry;
temp->data = data % 10; // stores the last digit
carry = data / 10;
prevNode = temp;
temp = temp->prev; // Moving temp by 1 prevNode will
// now denote temp
// If carry is greater than 0 then we create another
// node for it.
while (carry != 0) {
prevNode->prev = new Node(( int )(carry % 10));
carry /= 10;
prevNode = prevNode->prev;
void print(Node* tail)
if (tail == NULL) // Using tail recursion
return ;
<< tail->data; // Print linked list in reverse order
// Driver code
int main()
int n = 20;
Node tail(1); // Create a node and initialise it by 1
rep(i, 2, n)
Multiply(&tail, i); // Run a loop from 2 to n and
// multiply with tail's i
print(&tail); // Print the linked list
cout << endl;
return 0;
// This code is contributed by Kingshuk Deb



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