函数的lowerEntry()方法 Java中的NavigableMap接口 用于返回与严格小于给定键的最大键关联的键值映射,如果不存在这样的键,则返回null。
语法 :
Map.Entry< K, V > lowerEntry(K key)
参数 :此函数接受单个参数 钥匙 它指的是该映射容器维护的密钥类型。
返回值 :它返回与严格小于给定键的最大键关联的键值映射,如果不存在这样的键,则返回null。
方案1 :当键为整数时。
// Java code to demonstrate the working of // lowerEntry() method import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // Declaring the NavigableMap of Integer and String NavigableMap<Integer, String> nmmp = new TreeMap<>(); // assigning the values in the NavigableMap // using put() nmmp.put( 2 , "two" ); nmmp.put( 7 , "seven" ); nmmp.put( 3 , "three" ); System.out.println( "The mapping with greatest key strictly" + " less than 7 is : " + nmmp.lowerEntry( 7 )); } } |
The mapping with greatest key strictly less than 7 is : 3=three
方案2 :当键为string时。
// Java code to demonstrate the working of // lowerEntry() method import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // Declaring the NavigableMap of Integer and String NavigableMap<String, String> tmmp = new TreeMap<>(); // assigning the values in the NavigableMap // using put() tmmp.put( "one" , "two" ); tmmp.put( "six" , "seven" ); tmmp.put( "two" , "three" ); System.out.println( "The mapping with greatest key strictly" + " less than 7 is : " + tmmp.lowerEntry( "two" )); } } |
The mapping with greatest key strictly less than 7 is : six=seven
参考 : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/util/NavigableMap.html#lowerEntry(K)
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