Easylogging++入门教程(三)Easylogging++ 配置




三、Easylogging++ 配置

3.1 日志级别Level

Level 描述/解释
Global  通用级别。用于全局配置所有级别

(Generic level that represents all levels. Useful when setting global configuration for all levels)

Trace Information that can be useful to back-trace

certain events – mostly useful than debug logs.

Debug Informational events most useful for developers to debug application.

Only applicable if NDEBUG is not defined (for non-VC++) or _DEBUG is defined (for VC++).

Fatal Very severe error event that will presumably lead the application to abort.
Error Error information but will continue application to keep running.
Warning Information representing errors in application but application will keep running.
Info Mainly useful to represent current progress of application.
Verbose Information that can be highly useful and vary with verbose logging level.

Verbose logging is not applicable to hierarchical logging.

Unknown Only applicable to hierarchical logging and is used to turn off logging completely.

3.2 配置


  • 使用配置文件
  • 使用 el::Configurations 类
  • 使用内联配置 inline configuration

3.2.1 使用配置文件

Configurations 类可以在运行时从从文件加载配置信息。文件格式如下:


Level 名称以星号(*)开始,以冒号(:)结束。强烈建议在配置文件最前面添加 Globallevel ,这样在文件中未找到匹配级别的日志会自动按照 Global 设置。比如,你在 Global 中设置 Filename,所有级别的日志都可使用这一 Filename ,而无需单独对每个级别进行配置,Easylogging++库会自动使用 Global 的配置。配置文件支持的配置内容见下表:

Configuration Name Type Description
Enabled bool Determines whether or not corresponding level for logger is enabled.

You may disable all logs by using el::Level::Global

To_File bool Whether or not to write corresponding log to log file
To_Standard_Output bool Whether or not to write logs to standard output e.g, terminal or command prompt
Format char* Determines format/pattern of logging for corresponding level and logger.
Filename char* Determines log file (full path) to write logs to for corresponding level and logger
Milliseconds_Width uint Specifies milliseconds width. Width can be within range (1-6)
Performance_Tracking bool Determines whether or not performance tracking is enabled.

This does not depend on logger or level.

Performance tracking always uses ‘performance’ logger unless specified

Max_Log_File_Size size_t If log file size of corresponding level is >= specified size,

log file will be truncated.

Log_Flush_Threshold size_t Specifies number of log entries to hold until we flush pending log data



   FORMAT               =  "%datetime %msg"
   FILENAME             =  "/tmp/logs/my.log"
   ENABLED              =  true
   TO_FILE              =  true
   MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE    =  2097152 ## 2MB - Comment starts with two hashes (##)
   LOG_FLUSH_THRESHOLD  =  100 ## Flush after every 100 logs
   FORMAT               = "%datetime{%d/%M} %func %msg"

上面示例代码给出的配置文件很典型。先设置 GLOBAL 级别,可以供所有级别公用设置。后续添加的子级别进行的单独设置可以覆盖 GLOBAL 的相应设置。如:除 DEBUG 以外的所有级别使用相同的 format 设置,即 datetime and log message。至于 DEBUG level,其format 包含 date (with day and month), source function and log message。 DEBUG 的其他项目配置继承自 GLOBAL

注意:DEBUG 的 format 中 {%d/%M} , 如果不指定日期格式,择使用默认日期格式: %d/%M/%Y %h:%m:%s,%g 关于格式的更多信息,请参考下面的 日期/时间 标识符 (Date/Time Format Specifier) 部分。

#include "easylogging++.h"


int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
    // Load configuration from file
    el::Configurations conf("/path/to/my-conf.conf");
    // Reconfigure single logger
    el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger("default", conf);
    // Actually reconfigure all loggers instead
    // Now all the loggers will use configuration from file

就像上面的实例一样,你可以使用 el::Configurations 对象的构造函数方便的加载配置文件。

3.2.2 使用 el::Configurations 类进行配置

你可以使用 el::Configurations 类对配置进行修改和复位。

#include "easylogging++.h"


int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
   el::Configurations defaultConf;
    // Values are always std::string
            el::ConfigurationType::Format, "%datetime %level %msg");
    // default logger uses default configurations
    el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger("default", defaultConf);
    LOG(INFO) << "Log using default file";
    // To set GLOBAL configurations you may use
            el::ConfigurationType::Format, "%date %msg");
   el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger("default", defaultConf);
    return 0;


3.2.3 使用内联方式配置

内联配置Inline configuration 是指你可以传递 std::string 参数给 el::Configurations 类的对象,该对象从字符串解析配置。记得在字符串中添加换行符,以使字符串保持配置文件内容的格式。该种方式不推荐使用,因为其容易出错。

el::Configurations c;
c.parseFromText("*GLOBAL:\n FORMAT = %level %msg");

以上代码仅是对 Configurations 类的实例进行了设置,要应用这些配置,需要使用该类实例来配置 日志类实例。

3.3 设置默认配置

当你需要对现有的或者新创建的logger应用某一配置为默认配置时,你可以使用函数el::Loggers::setDefaultConfigurations(el::Configurations& configurations, bool configureExistingLoggers = false) 来实现。

当你在编写大型软件或调用的第三方库也使用Easylogging++时,使用上面的函数可以很方便的设置后续新建logger或者现存logger的配置。 第二个参数为 true 时,就会将后续新建logger以及现有的logger都取第一个参数作为默认配置,(第二个参数默认为 false 即不对现有logger应用此项配置,而只对后续新建logger起作用)。

3.4 全局配置

这里的全局配置和上面提到的 Level::Global 是两码事。 Level::Global 是指日志记录器logger在输出日志时使用的全局格式配置;而此处的全局配置则是指给所有或者某些指定日志记录器注册配置。相当于上面提到的多个配置文件整合到一个文件中。一次加载,对所有日志记录器均完成了配置。


-- LOGGER ID ## Case sensitive
  ## Everything else is same as configuration file

  ## Configuration for this logger

Logger ID 是区分大小写的,以”–“开始。一旦这个全局配置文件写好,你就可以使用一个函数完成所有的日志记录器的配置,甚至可以创建新的日志记录器。

int main(void) {
   // Registers new and configures it or
   // configures existing logger - everything in global.conf
   // .. Your prog
   return 0;


3.5 日志格式标识符


Specifier Replaced By
%logger Logger ID
%thread Thread ID – Uses std::thread if available, otherwise GetCurrentThreadId() on windows
%level Severity level (Info, Debug, Error, Warning, Fatal, Verbose, Trace)
%levshort Severity level (Short version i.e, I for Info and respectively D, E, W, F, V, T)
%vlevel Verbosity level (Applicable to verbose logging)
%datetime Date and/or time – Pattern is customizable – see Date/Time Format Specifiers below
%user User currently running application
%host Computer name application is running on
%file File name of source file (Full path)
%fbase File name of source file (Only base name)
%line Source line number
%func Logging function
%loc Source filename and line number of logging (separated by colon)
%msg Actual log message
% Escape character (e.g, %%level will write %level)

除了上面列出的内置的格式标识符,你还可以自己定义新的格式标识符。调用el::Helpers::installCustomFormatSpecifier可以实现该功能。 下面的代码实例演示为 TCP 服务器程序的日志记录新增 %ip_addr 日志格式标识符。

const char* getIp(void) {
    return "";

int main(void) {
    el::Helpers::installCustomFormatSpecifier(el::CustomFormatSpecifier("%ip_addr", getIp));
    el::Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(el::ConfigurationType::Format, "%datetime %level %ip_addr : %msg");
    LOG(INFO) << "This is request from client";
    return 0;

3.6 日期/时间 格式标识符 Date/Time Format Specifiers

你可以自定义日志输出格式中关于 date/time 的输出格式,相关标识符如下:

Specifier Replaced By
%d Day of month (zero-padded)
%a Day of the week – short (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun)
%A Day of the week – long (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
%M Month (zero-padded)
%b Month – short (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
%B Month – Long (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
%y Year – Two digit (13, 14 etc)
%Y Year – Four digit (2013, 2014 etc)
%h Hour (12-hour format)
%H Hour (24-hour format)
%m Minute (zero-padded)
%s Second (zero-padded)
%g Milliseconds (width is configured by ConfigurationType::MillisecondsWidth)
%F AM/PM designation
% Escape character

注意,日期时间 date/time 最长不能超过 30 个字符。

3.7 日志标志 Logging Flags


Flag Description
NewLineForContainer (1) Makes sure we have new line for each container log entry
AllowVerboseIfModuleNotSpecified (2) Makes sure if -vmodule is used and does not specifies a module, then verbose logging is allowed via that module. Say param was -vmodule=main*=3 and a verbose log is being written from a file called something.cpp then if this flag is enabled, log will be written otherwise it will be disallowed. Note: having this defeats purpose of -vmodule
LogDetailedCrashReason (4) When handling crashes by default, detailed crash reason will be logged as well (Disabled by default) (issue #90)
DisableApplicationAbortOnFatalLog (8) Allows to disable application abortion when logged using FATAL level. Note that this does not apply to default crash handlers as application should be aborted after crash signal is handled. (Not added by default) (issue #119)
ImmediateFlush (16) Flushes log with every log-entry (performance sensative) – Disabled by default
StrictLogFileSizeCheck (32) Makes sure log file size is checked with every log
ColoredTerminalOutput (64) Terminal output will be colorful if supported by terminal.
MultiLoggerSupport (128) Enables support for using multiple loggers to log single message. (E.g, CLOG(INFO, "default", "network") << This will be logged using default and network loggers;)

heckpointComparison (256)

Disables checkpoint comparison
DisableVModules (512) Disables usage of vmodules
DisableVModulesExtensions (1024) Disables vmodules extension. This means if you have a vmodule -vmodule=main*=4 it will cover everything starting with main, where as if you do not have this defined you will be covered for any file starting with main and ending with one of the following extensions; .h .c .cpp .cc .cxx .-inl-.h .hxx .hpp. Please note following vmodule is not correct -vmodule=main.=4 with this macro not defined because this will check for main..c, notice double dots. If you want this to be valid, have a look at logging flag above: AllowVerboseIfModuleNotSpecified ‘?’ and ” wildcards are supported
HierarchicalLogging (2048) Enables hierarchical logging. This is not applicable to verbose logging.
CreateLoggerAutomatically (4096) Creates logger automatically when not available.
AutoSpacing (8192) Automatically adds spaces. E.g, LOG(INFO) << "DODGE" << "THIS!";will output “DODGE THIS!”
FixedTimeFormat (16384) Applicable to performace tracking only – this prevents formatting time. E.g, 1001 ms will be logged as is, instead of formatting it as1.01 sec

你可以使用 static 函数 el::Loggers::addFlagel::Loggers::removeFlag来设置和取消某一标志.。想要确认某一标志是否可用,可以调用函数 el::Loggers::hasFlag,这些函数均采用强类型的枚举变量 el::LoggingFlag。

你可以通过命令行参数 --logging-flags 来设置这些标志。设置步骤:


使用 START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv) 进行设置。

3.8 程序参数

下表对所有可能用到的命令行参数进行了介绍。 你需要在 main(int, char**) 中调用 START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv)  对应用程序参数进行初始设置。

参数 描述
-v Activates maximum verbosity
--v=2 Activates verbosity upto verbose level 2 (valid range: 0-9)
--verbose Activates maximum verbosity
-vmodule=MODULE_NAME Activates verbosity for files starting with main to level 1, the rest of the files depend on logging flag AllowVerboseIfModuleNotSpecified Please see Logging Flags section above. Two modules can be separated by comma. Please note vmodules are last in order of precedence of checking arguments for verbose logging, e.g, if we have -v in application arguments before vmodules, vmodules will be ignored.
--logging-flags=3 Sets logging flag. In example i.e, 3, it sets logging flag to NewLineForContainer andAllowVerboseIfModuleNotSpecified. See logging flags section above for further details and values. See macros section to disable this function.
--default-log-file=FILE Sets default log file for existing and future loggers. You may want to consider definingELPP_NO_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE to prevent creation of default empty log file during pre-processing. See macros section to disable this function.

3.9 配置宏

有些日志选项可以通过宏来设定。这是一个很友好的功能,比如:我们只需定义宏 ELPP_THREAD_SAFE,可以使所有线程安全相关的功能变为有效状态,否则为失效状态。 (making sure over-head of thread-safety goes with it).。为了方便记忆和避免和其他宏冲突,Easylogging++所有的宏以 ELPP_ 开头。

Macro Name Description
ELPP_DEBUG_ASSERT_FAILURE Aborts application on first assertion failure. This assertion is due to invalid input e.g, invalid configuration file etc.
ELPP_UNICODE Enables Unicode support when logging. Requires START_EASYLOGGINGPP
ELPP_THREAD_SAFE Enables thread-safety – make sure -lpthread linking for linux.
ELPP_FORCE_USE_STD_THREAD Forces to use C++ standard library for threading (Only useful when usingELPP_THREAD_SAFE
ELPP_STACKTRACE_ON_CRASH Applicable to GCC only. Enables stacktrace on application crash
ELPP_DISABLE_DEFAULT_CRASH_HANDLING Disables default crash handling. You can use el::Helpers::setCrashHandler to use your own handler.
ELPP_DISABLE_LOGS Disables all logs – (preprocessing)
ELPP_DISABLE_DEBUG_LOGS Disables debug logs – (preprocessing)
ELPP_DISABLE_INFO_LOGS Disables info logs – (preprocessing)
ELPP_DISABLE_WARNING_LOGS Disables warning logs – (preprocessing)
ELPP_DISABLE_ERROR_LOGS Disables error logs – (preprocessing)
ELPP_DISABLE_FATAL_LOGS Disables fatal logs – (preprocessing)
ELPP_DISABLE_VERBOSE_LOGS Disables verbose logs – (preprocessing)
ELPP_DISABLE_TRACE_LOGS Disables trace logs – (preprocessing)
ELPP_FORCE_ENV_VAR_FROM_BASH If environment variable could not be found, force using alternative bash command to find value, e.g, whoami for username. (DO NOT USE THIS MACRO WITH LD_PRELOAD FOR LIBRARIES THAT ARE ALREADY USING Easylogging++ OR YOU WILL END UP IN STACK OVERFLOW FOR PROCESSES (popen) (see issue #87 for details))
ELPP_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE Full filename where you want initial files to be created. You need to embed value of this macro with quotes, e.g, -DELPP_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE='"logs/el.gtest.log"' Note the double quotes inside single quotes, double quotes are the values for const char* and single quotes specifies value of macro
ELPP_NO_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE If you dont want to initialize library with default log file, define this macro. But be sure to configure your logger with propery log filename or you will end up getting heaps of errors when trying to log to file (and TO_FILE is configured to true)
ELPP_DEBUG_ERRORS If you wish to find out internal errors raised by Easylogging++ that can be because of configuration or something else, you can enable them by defining this macro. You will get your errors on standard output i.e, terminal or command prompt.
ELPP_DISABLE_CUSTOM_FORMAT_SPECIFIERS Forcefully disables custom format specifiers
ELPP_DISABLE_LOGGING_FLAGS_FROM_ARG Forcefully disables ability to set logging flags using command-line arguments
ELPP_DISABLE_LOG_FILE_FROM_ARG Forcefully disables ability to set default log file from command-line arguments
ELPP_WINSOCK2 On windows system force to use winsock2.h instead of winsock.h whenWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN is defined

3.10 读取和访问日志配置信息

你可能需要获取某一日志记录器的配置信息,你可以通过调用Logger类的函数 typedConfigurations() 来实现。

el::Logger* l = el::Loggers::getLogger("default");
bool enabled = l->typedConfigurations()->enabled(el::Level::Info);
// Or to read log format/pattern
std::string format = 




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