给定一个整数 N ,任务是找到将这个数字表示为两个或更多连续数字之和的方法 自然数 .
输入: N=15 输出: 3. 说明: 15可以表示为:
- 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
- 4 + 5 + 6
- 7 + 8
输入: N=10 输出: 1.
方法: 其思想是将N表示为长度为L+1的序列,如下所示: N=a+(a+1)+(a+2)+(a+L) =>N=(L+1)*a+(L*(L+1))/2 =>a=(N-L*(L+1)/2)/(L+1) 我们将L的值从1代入L*(L+1)/2
// C++ program to count number of ways to express // N as sum of consecutive numbers. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; long int countConsecutive( long int N) { // constraint on values of L gives us the // time Complexity as O(N^0.5) long int count = 0; for ( long int L = 1; L * (L + 1) < 2 * N; L++) { double a = (1.0 * N - (L * (L + 1)) / 2) / (L + 1); if (a - ( int )a == 0.0) count++; } return count; } // Driver Code int main() { long int N = 15; cout << countConsecutive(N) << endl; N = 10; cout << countConsecutive(N) << endl; return 0; } |
// A Java program to count number of ways // to express N as sum of consecutive numbers. public class SumConsecutiveNumber { // Utility method to compute number of ways // in which N can be represented as sum of // consecutive number static int countConsecutive( int N) { // constraint on values of L gives us the // time Complexity as O(N^0.5) int count = 0 ; for ( int L = 1 ; L * (L + 1 ) < 2 * N; L++) { double a = ( double )(( 1.0 * N - (L * (L + 1 )) / 2 ) / (L + 1 )); if (a - ( int )a == 0.0 ) count++; } return count; } // Driver code to test above function public static void main(String[] args) { int N = 15 ; System.out.println(countConsecutive(N)); N = 10 ; System.out.println(countConsecutive(N)); } } // This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh |
# Python program to count number of ways to # express N as sum of consecutive numbers. def countConsecutive(N): # constraint on values of L gives us the # time Complexity as O(N ^ 0.5) count = 0 L = 1 while ( L * (L + 1 ) < 2 * N): a = ( 1.0 * N - (L * (L + 1 ) ) / 2 ) / (L + 1 ) if (a - int (a) = = 0.0 ): count + = 1 L + = 1 return count # Driver code N = 15 print (countConsecutive(N)) N = 10 print (countConsecutive(N)) # This code is contributed by Sachin Bisht |
// A C# program to count number of // ways to express N as sum of // consecutive numbers. using System; public class GFG { // Utility method to compute // number of ways in which N // can be represented as sum // of consecutive number static int countConsecutive( int N) { // constraint on values of L // gives us the time // Complexity as O(N^0.5) int count = 0; for ( int L = 1; L * (L + 1) < 2 * N; L++) { double a = ( double )((1.0 * N - (L * (L + 1)) / 2) / (L + 1)); if (a - ( int )a == 0.0) count++; } return count; } // Driver code to test above // function public static void Main() { int N = 15; Console.WriteLine( countConsecutive(N)); N = 10; Console.Write( countConsecutive(N)); } } // This code is contributed by // nitin mittal. |
<?php // PHP program to count number // of ways to express N as sum // of consecutive numbers. function countConsecutive( $N ) { // constraint on values // of L gives us the // time Complexity as O(N^0.5) $count = 0; for ( $L = 1; $L * ( $L + 1) < 2 * $N ; $L ++) { $a = (int)(1.0 * $N - ( $L * (int)( $L + 1)) / 2) / ( $L + 1); if ( $a - (int) $a == 0.0) $count ++; } return $count ; } // Driver Code $N = 15; echo countConsecutive( $N ), "" ; $N = 10; echo countConsecutive( $N ), "" ; // This code is contributed by ajit ?> |
<script> // A Javascript program to count number of // ways to express N as sum of // consecutive numbers. // Utility method to compute // number of ways in which N // can be represented as sum // of consecutive number function countConsecutive(N) { // constraint on values of L // gives us the time // Complexity as O(N^0.5) let count = 0; for (let L = 1; L * (L + 1) < 2 * N; L++) { let a = ((1.0 * N-(L * (L + 1)) / 2) / (L + 1)); if (a - parseInt(a, 10) == 0.0) count++; } return count; } let N = 15; document.write(countConsecutive(N) + "</br>" ); N = 10; document.write(countConsecutive(N)); </script> |
时间复杂性: O(N^0.5)
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