Mac OS X 10.4 以上版本
Windows 2000 以上版本
Windows CE 4.2 以上版本
FT_EE_Program 函数对 EEPROM 进行编程,写入厂商、串号等信息。
ftHandle — 设备句柄。
pData — FT_PROGRAM_DATA结构体指针。
FT_EE_Program 函数中的参数 pData 为指向 FT_PROGRAM_DATA 类型结构体变量的指针,该结构体存储要向EEPROM中写入的数据。数据被写入EEPROM,然后读取进行验证。
如果FT_PROGRAM_DATA 结构体中的SerialNumber字段为空NULL,或者其指向一个空字符串,则序列号SerialNumber由ManufacturerId 和当前日期时间构成。
需要注意的是,使用的DLL必须确认其使用的 FT_PROGRAM_DATA 结构体定义的版本。其版本可以通过Signature1, Signature2 和 Version 成员变量来确定。
如果参数 pData 为空NULL, 结构体的版本默认为 0 (original BM series) ,设备使用默认数据进行信息写入。
// Version 4 structure for programming a BM device.
// Other elements would need non-zero values for FT2232, FT232R, FT245R, FT2232H or
// FT4232H devices.
0x00000000, // Header – must be 0x00000000
0xFFFFFFFF, // Header – must be 0xffffffff
0x00000004, // Header – FT_PROGRAM_DATA version
0x0403, // VID
0x6001, // PID
“FTDI”, // Manufacturer
“FT”, // Manufacturer ID
“USB HS Serial Converter”, // Description
“FT000001”, // Serial Number
44, // MaxPower
1, // PnP
0, // SelfPowered
1, // RemoteWakeup
1, // non-zero if Rev4 chip, zero otherwise
0, // non-zero if in endpoint is isochronous
0, // non-zero if out endpoint is isochronous
0, // non-zero if pull down enabled
1, // non-zero if serial number to be used
0, // non-zero if chip uses USBVersion
0x0110 // BCD (0x0200 => USB2)
// FT2232C extensions (Enabled if Version = 1 or greater)
0, // non-zero if Rev5 chip, zero otherwise
0, // non-zero if in endpoint is isochronous
0, // non-zero if in endpoint is isochronous
0, // non-zero if out endpoint is isochronous
0, // non-zero if out endpoint is isochronous
0, // non-zero if pull down enabled
0, // non-zero if serial number to be used
0, // non-zero if chip uses USBVersion
0x0, // BCD (0x0200 => USB2)
0, // non-zero if interface is high current
0, // non-zero if interface is high current
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO CPU target
0, // non-zero if interface is Fast serial
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO CPU target
0, // non-zero if interface is Fast serial
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
// FT232R extensions (Enabled if Version = 2 or greater)
0, // Use External Oscillator
0, // High Drive I/Os
0, // Endpoint size
0, // non-zero if pull down enabled
0, // non-zero if serial number to be used
0, // non-zero if invert TXD
0, // non-zero if invert RXD
0, // non-zero if invert RTS
0, // non-zero if invert CTS
0, // non-zero if invert DTR
0, // non-zero if invert DSR
0, // non-zero if invert DCD
0, // non-zero if invert RI
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // non-zero if using D2XX drivers
// Rev 7 (FT2232H) Extensions (Enabled if Version = 3 or greater)
0, // non-zero if pull down enabled
0, // non-zero if serial number to be used
0, // non-zero if AL pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if AL pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if AH pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if AH pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if BL pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if BL pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if BH pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if BH pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO CPU target
0, // non-zero if interface is Fast serial
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO CPU target
0, // non-zero if interface is Fast serial
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
0, // non-zero if using BCBUS7 to save power for self-// powered designs
// Rev 8 (FT4232H) Extensions (Enabled if Version = 4)
0, // non-zero if pull down enabled
0, // non-zero if serial number to be used
0, // non-zero if AL pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if AL pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if AH pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if AH pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if BL pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if BL pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if BH pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if BH pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if port A uses RI as RS485 TXDEN
0, // non-zero if port B uses RI as RS485 TXDEN
0, // non-zero if port C uses RI as RS485 TXDEN
0, // non-zero if port D uses RI as RS485 TXDEN
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
// Rev 9 (FT232H) Extensions (Enabled if Version = 5)
0, // non-zero if pull down enabled
0, // non-zero if serial number to be used
0, // non-zero if AC pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if AC pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // non-zero if AD pins have slow slew
0, // non-zero if AD pins are Schmitt input
0, // valid values are 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // Cbus Mux control
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO
0, // non-zero if interface is 245 FIFO CPU target
0, // non-zero if interface is Fast serial
0, // non-zero if interface is FT1248
0, // FT1248 clock polarity – clock idle high (1) or
// clock idle low (0)
0, // FT1248 data is LSB (1) or MSB (0)
0, // FT1248 flow control enable
0, // non-zero if interface is to use VCP drivers
0 // non-zero if using ACBUS7 to save power for
// self-powered designs
FT_HANDLE ftHandle;
FT_STATUS ftStatus = FT_Open(0, &ftHandle);
if (ftStatus == FT_OK) {
ftStatus = FT_EE_Program(ftHandle, &ftData);
if (ftStatus == FT_OK) {
// FT_EE_Program OK!
else {
// FT_EE_Program FAILED!